Friday, August 27, 2010

Well the thought was there....

So I decide that last night I was going to hit the Gilbert State Forest with Belle for a 3 or 4 mile trail run. Were doing ok, ran into a few other dog owners walking.
Oh yeah check this out: So Belle and I are running, and this lady comes from the other way (neither dog was leashed). I stop to put the lead on Belle and she sits down right next to me and the other dog (who was a bit bigger than Belle at 70 lbs.) comes running up to Belle. I put the lead on, Belle puts her head down and starts to go around the dog owner and the other dog; and the lady says "what's wrong with your dog, is she shy or scared or something" all condescending like. Felt like saying, “no like her owner she just wants to run and be left alone, however like your dog's owner, he can’t seem to mind their own business”. But I digress.

So Belle and I are about 2 1/2 miles in (guessing based on history in the forest as I forgot my Garmin) and I look down and she's limping. I check her out, she isn't whimpering or anything, so we take a side trail to cut it short and start to walk back. About 50 yards in and I look down and she's going the one front legged hop. Knowing we have about a mile left to go, I bend down put her across my shoulders with the back of my neck to her stomach, and we head back. This morning thankfully she seemed none the worse for wear, but looks like I will keep her home for a few weeks so she can heal up. Not quite the same on the trails without her.

Be well - Sank

Thursday, August 26, 2010

One on One off...

Hey if may be the shortest of my run courses, but I have now made it 2 out of the last 3 days on it. 
The tendon along my hamstring / running down the back to just behind my right knee is still sore (not sure if it is from being hit by the softball or from pulling the hamstring - same night), but I will continue to stretch it and put on the compression wrap for now.  The good part is that I am out there, and not sitting home. 
Be well all - Sank

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rogue Valley Beer Mile--2010

Just how awesome is this. Stolen from Reinventing the Run blog
How do I get this going in good old Mansfield, MA ? Stay thirsty my friends...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Congrats and inspiration

Congrats Congrats Congrats to my wife Nancy for finishing the Timberman Triathlon in New Hampshire.  It has been on her bucket list since we met to do a tri and I am so happy to see her finish it.  It was the first and only time that I actually went to a triathlon that I wasn't participating in and it was very humbling and inspirational to see the 1300+ athletes go for it.  I am so proud of her!
It has also given me the kick in the butt to get out there.  The right hamstring is still bugging me a little from a few weeks ago when I felt it go playing softball, followed by getting hit there while standing on 3rd, but no pain go gain.  Actually got out today and just ran cautiously but the key part being that I RAN.
Well enough for now, I will definately be posting more now, and the runningahead page will be updating my activity.  The rain, fouled up the Garmin so I had to do a manual entry, but whatever.....
Happy 17th Birthday to my son Kevin
Be well - Sank

Friday, August 13, 2010

Enough already....

Been an extremely interesting year so far.  Injuries, surgery, refereeing, work shit, RL stuff, what have you.  But the one thing that you dont see is running; be it road or trail.  And I am sorely missing that this year.  Some of it post surgery, some due to a consistently tweaked hamstring, some in trying to juggle the refereeing schedule; but it simply just hasn't happened. 
And I can feel it's absense in my body and more importantly in my mind.  And to get myself back on track I need to start there.  I can ice and wrap and ointment (yeah I know ointment "aint no" verb but dont stop me I'm on a roll) my hamstrings, but I have to lace up the running shoes again.
Not having done much I have lost the few readers I had and I dont blame them.  Hopefully they come back soon.  I wish you safe and long trails.
Be well - Sank